Gifts For Working Moms

13 Best Gifts For The Working Moms In Your Life

Wondering how to support working moms? Here are some gift ideas that will make her day.

Mother's day only comes once a year. But at Mila's Keeper, we think busy working moms deserve a little more recognition than that!

Below, we've compiled some of the best gifts ideas you can give to the working moms in your life. Because let's face it.

The entire family would fall apart without her. So let's give the busy working mom a round of applause - and some great gifts that will help her save time, relax, and take back her "me-time" whenever possible!

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Best practical gifts to make life easier for busy working moms

Nobody loves practicality more than the working mom. So let's see what practical gift ideas you can offer her...

#1. Glass breast milk bottles

For busy moms who are breastfeeding, their "child menu," (AKA their milk supply) is always on their minds. Worrying about stashing their milk in the workplace fridge really isn't something most moms want to be worried about.

So why not give her the amazing gift of glass breast milk storage bottles? These storage bottles are perfect for the busy mom on the go.

They fit perfectly in a diaper bag and even come in both standard and wide neck to accommodate most breast pumps. Plus, since the bottle is made of glass, she won't have to worry about any plastic chemicals leaching into her baby's breastmilk.

This gift idea is an absolute life saver. And we know another great gift that will go perfectly with this one.

#2. Insulated breast milk coolers

Who doesn't love a practical gift idea that also comes with a matching set? Our insulated breast milk coolers are the perfect travel buddy for working moms.

Not only will this cooler make sure that her breastmilk stays cold for up to 18 hours. It can also double as a travel mug!

Buy mila's keeper products for working moms

That way, when the busy mom decides it's officially time to stop breastfeeding, she'll be left with the perfect gift that keeps on giving. From multi-purpose coolers to sustainable breastmilk storage options, we'll help you navigate the best working mom gifts like a pro.

Grocery shopping alternatives for busy moms - who has the time?!

As if the working mother didn't have enough to worry about, there's always the issue of meal planning. But what working mom has time for all of that? Consider these gifts for busy moms who are tired of running frantically to the grocery store...

#3. Meal subscription box

One of the best gift ideas for any working mom is a meal subscription box. This way, your working mom's life is just a little bit easier without having to worry about dinner prep.

Odds are, working moms are more consumed with thoughts of what their child will eat. Not what kind of food they'll eat themselves.

But a meal subscription box can make a big difference in her everyday. There are even options that offer healthy snacks too!

#4. Instant Pot

Need another ideal gift that will be put to good use in the kitchen? Get the busy mom in your life an Instant Pot for easier dinners that she can literally throw into one bowl.

Or better yet, give somebody else in the house the task of making dinners! (And yes, you can consider this one of the best gifts for working moms in general too - we guarantee she'll love it.) Making a one-pot meal isn't just a great gift for a working mom.

But rather, it's the perfect gift for a household of at least one working parent. The child menu may stay the same for the first year, or however long you choose to breastfeed.

But at least with this excellent gift, you can give the whole household a chance to sigh a breath of relief. Talk about a great gift idea that keeps on giving.

#5. Her own personal coffee maker

No one wants to get in the way of a busy mom and her daily cup of joe. Trust us.

So rather than have everyone else pour themselves a stingy cup of coffee, consider buying those busy moms their own personal coffee maker! With cute designs and personalized style, there's no way anyone will mistake that coffee maker for theirs.

Busy moms will appreciate these gifts and budget wise this list covers gifts that cost little money to more money

And that's whether the working mom decides to take it into the office or not! No more having to worry about whether there's enough coffee in the pot for the working moms in your life.

With this lovely gift, she'll stay as caffeinated as she wants to. And that will make everybody's life easier too.

#6. A hydroponic garden

The busy mom in your life may have loved working in the garden every now and then. But nowadays, there just doesn't seem to be enough time.

So, why not satiate her love of gardening with an easy herb garden she can say hello to every morning in the kitchen? These indoor gardens will tell you everything you need to know - when to add water, when to add plant food, and more.

Plus, working moms won't have to rush to the grocery store for fresh herbs at the end of a long day. They can simply snip a few leaves off of their own kitchen garden.

Bonus: 7 Reasons Why We Celebrate Black Breastfeeding Week

Help mom stay organized with these useful gifts

With a packed schedule everyday, busy moms often feel like it's a miracle when anything gets done. But with these great gift ideas, you can change her entire perspective on what it means to stay on top of things.

#7. Apple watch

Busy moms have a lot to juggle. But an Apple watch can help her manage her various responsibilities at the touch of a button.

Or rather, a computer screen that's small enough to fit on her wrist! This unique gift is perfect for that special lady in your life who may or may not leave her phone in every place she'd never think to look.

Because this thoughtful gift will still allow her to receive important messages wherever she goes. And it comes with its own personal assistant, Siri, who's ready to help every busy mom tackle the day ahead.

Or night. What day is it again? Right. Thanks, Siri.

#8. Standing desk

Not every busy mom has an office to go to. So she needs as much space as she can afford inside a now child-proofed home.

Always be encouraging of new moms trying to figure out how to balance

That's why one of the gifts for working moms (who WFH) is none other than a standing desk! Whoever came up with this great idea knew how to maximize space and save your neck and back from unnecessary strain.

Plus, many moms will appreciate that their work space is up high out of baby (or toddler's) reach. Just another day in the life of a work from home mama.

#9. Blue light glasses

Another one of the bestselling gifts for working moms is blue light glasses. If she's having to look at a computer screen all day, then she's likely coming away from her desk with headaches.

And did you also know that blue light can affect your body's production of melatonin? The last thing a working mom needs is even less sleep at night.

So while it's up there as one of the more unique gifts, consider gifting her a pair of glasses that she can style and thank at the end of the night. (Although hopefully by that point, she's sleeping.)

Give busy moms a little pampering with self care they deserve

Moms don't need a special occasion like Mother's Day to get a little me time in. So remind her of that with these gifts for working moms that'll help her relax and get in as many self-care moments as she can throughout the day.

#10. Bath bombs

Who doesn't love settling into a warm bath at the end of the day? Bath bombs are some of the best gifts for busy moms due to their simplicity and the kind of luxurious experiences they can provide.

Most come at a great price and offer her an easy way to de-stress after a long day. And with different designs, scents, colors, and more, you can even invite her in on the process to learn about what gifts she'll enjoy in the future.

In just one packed ball, a busy mom can enjoy the effects of aromatherapy and heat therapy. Really, this should be considered one of the best gift ideas for anyone.

#11. Essential oils

While a bath bomb requires, well, a bath, essential oils can travel with a mom on-the-go wherever she goes! She can add some drops to a diffuser or roll some scent on her wrists.

Either way, she has a little dash of self care wherever she is. Whether she's about to walk into a business meeting or relax at home after a long day, her aromatherapy is there for her.

Sometimes, a busy mom simply needs a little refresh here and there. And essential oils are one of the gift ideas that will allow her to do that wherever she winds up.

#12. Neck massager

A busy mom has a lot on her shoulders, both literally and metaphorically. So it only makes sense that she receives a neck massager as a gift from her nearest and dearest.

The last thing a working mom needs is to hold every bit of tension in her neck. With these gift, she can settle in for the night, soothing her muscles and thanking her body for how it served her today.

Any gift that helps a mom thank her body is a worthy investment. Remember this little tip when you start brainstorming more gifts for busy moms on the next go around!

Meaningful gifts for working moms when they need a little boost

Mother's day is the perfect time to encourage mothers that they're doing their very best. But sometimes, those moments of encouragement are needed more than just once a year.

#13. New mom gift box

A new mom gift basket is one of the perfect gifts for busy moms to show them that their efforts are being acknowledged and appreciated. From worrying about the child menu to dishes to meals to work and more, she's got a lot on her plate.

Thoughtful gifts remind moms to appreciate the present moment even when stressed

But a simple gift set praising her for her inimitable mom strength is something she'll surely treasure. Because it's gifts like these that help a working mom power through to the next day.

Besides, when you're a working mom, it's important to remember to soak up the present moment. With so much going on all the time, it's easy to get stuck in the grind and think about the next thing and the next thing.

Taking that time to truly treasure the present is something we can all benefit from. But the working mom can especially benefit from this special reminder to recognize just how much she's doing and how appreciated she is anyway.

Giving the busy mama her time back!

There are plenty of ways that you can help a busy mom get back her time and energy. And these gift ideas are just a start!

It can be as simple as asking "What do you need?" or "How can I help?" Small gestures of compassion like, "You're doing great" or "You're a rockstar" can also go a long ways too.

Ultimately, every working mom will find their own path towards balance. And while she discovers that path, it's up to us to support her on her journey.

At Mila's Keeper, we're particularly passionate about empowering each woman's journey through breastfeeding and beyond. After all, when mamas thrive, so do their babies, families and communities.

Keep Reading: Your Guide To Successfully Traveling With Breast Milk


A female-designed and female-run company, Mila's Keeper is on a mission to empower women to thrive during their breastfeeding journey by offering reusable, eco-friendly breast milk storage solutions for their day-to-day needs. Get the latest tips and info on Mila's Keeper products by following us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn

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