I'm Lara, Founder of Mila's Keeper. Thank you so much for stopping by my booth at the 50th Year Anniversary of the National WIC Association!

We are SO proud to be a part of this!

I wanted to share on this page why working with WIC is extremely important to the heart and soul of the company. Mila's Keeper was founded on the need for equitable support to breastfeeding moms globally.

It was on a UNICEF project where I worked (also as a breastfeeding mom), that I found the lack of cold storage was DETRIMENTAL (not inconvenient), to a mom's breastfeeding journey.

This is why the MilKeeper was invented - our patented, 20-hour portable, insulated breast milk cooler! I would be absolutely honored to further our mission to support moms by working with WIC communities.

Please feel free to reach out to me at lara@milaskeeper.com or let me know how I can join your mission for a more equitable breastfeeding world!

Mila's Keeper

Our mission is to empower women to thrive during their breastfeeding journey.

When Mamas Thrive...

So do their babies, families and communities. This is why we are so focused and passionate about our work in empowering mamas with products designed for our needs.

We know we share these same values with the WIC Community!

Mila's Keeper Gender Equality image by Pexels - Polina Tankilevitch
“We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. We call upon our sisters around the world to be brave—to embrace the strength within themselves and realize their full potential.”

– Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize winner

Mila's Keeper Insulated Cooler with Working Women - Gender Equality

GEnder equality

Female-designed and female-run—we are making sure we 'walk the talk' of gender equality with our products, how we operate and with the mama community we serve. Guided by the UN's Women's Empowerment Principles (WEP), female empowerment and gender equality principles are at the core of what we do and why we do it.

We look forward to standing side by side with WIC to advocate for a more equitable world for moms and babies!


We are passionate about protecting Mama Earth. While there is still so much more we can do, we are committed to making a positive impact in reducing single use plastics in landfills and in our world.

We know that the US Government shares this sentiment, so let us help the WIC communities reduce breast milk bags in the landfill and replace with reusable glass! It is less expensive in the long run too!




4 Ways to Use

  1. 20 Hours Cold
  2. Breast Milk Warmer
  3. Stores Solids for Toddlers
  4. Reusable as as Water Bottle

we'd love to partner with you

bulk discounts

Can we supply your WIC moms and/or hospitals with better breast milk storage?

Let us know how we can serve your community at scale!

Please write to me directly at lara@milaskeeper.com or contact here.


If you're a lactation consultant or an educator and would like to earn commission on referrals that you can either keep or donate to charity, you can sign up here!

Mila's Keeper About Page Campaign Icon


As a proud small business member of the National WIC Association, how can we support you in your advocacy efforts for an equitable breastfeeding world?

With a growing online community of breastfeeding moms on FB, Instagram and Tiktok, let us know how we can elevate important messages!

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for purchases of $125+ in Continental US

Mila's Keeper Insulated Cooler with athletic girls on beach - Newsletter

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